
Insights and practical applications from the FlexPoint Consulting team around business transformation, technology modernization, process optimization, and more.

Silence in Discovery

What is one of the most important elements of a discovery session? Keen insights? Not quite. A bingo on the consulting jargon card? Nope. Kim Ehrman argues that it is silence, so we can give space for everyone to think and truly learn from the discussion.

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Steven McPhee Steven McPhee

Good Communication is Empathetic Communication

Steven McPhee shares the importance of bridging the gap between perspectives as a way to build understanding. This goes beyond communicating clearly and extends to navigating different priorities among those in conversation.

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Helping Transform a Treasured Community Organization

The FlexPoint team was fortunate to work with the Girl Scouts of Central Texas leadership and board to craft a three-year strategic plan and roadmap. Paula Bookidis, CEO of GSCTX, shares a bit about her experience, and Kim Ehrman summarizes the effort.

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De-Risking Tool Selection and Implementation

Business Transformation Consultant, Henry Howard, shares tried-and-true techniques throughout a ten-stage process of selecting and implementing an enterprise platform. This comprehensive post covers everything from negotiating, scoping, migration, and celebrating after launch.

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