
Insights and practical applications from the FlexPoint Consulting team around business transformation, technology modernization, process optimization, and more.

How to See the Forest for the Trees in Transformation

Kim Ehrman shares techniques to see the forest for the trees across transformation programs, and ultimately to drive transformational success. These include welcoming and heeding various perspectives, minding the gaps between workstreams, and more.

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A Recipe for Effective Change Management

Kim Ehrman shares the essential ingredients of change management, along with some of the personalizations and updates we’ve scribbled in the margins of change strategies and plans over the years, to help you in driving out effective change where it matters most.

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Tips & Tricks to Avoid Being Spooked by Transformation

As Halloween approaches, Michael Daehne shares tips to avoid being “spooked” by your business transformation initiative. These include: beware the ghosts of past projects, don’t treat “the way we do things around here” as hallowed ground, and more.

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Business Transformation Lessons from the UTSA Roadrunners

FlexPoint Consulting Founder & CEO Michael Daehne applies lessons from the UT San Antonio Roadrunners to excelling through transformation. They start with “culture eats strategy for breakfast” and end with “don’t eat the cheese!”

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