Insights and practical applications from the FlexPoint Consulting team around business transformation, technology modernization, process optimization, and more.
What I Learned from a Massive Hole in My House
Kim Ehrman shares details from a car running into her house and draws lessons learned for consultants and clients based on the experience.
Having a Spicy Kickoff is Better than Silence
A project kickoff meeting can be boring, or it can be helpful. Kim Ehrman shares why it’s good to embrace pointed feedback plus how the FlexPoint Consulting team creates the conditions for productive heat in project kickoff meetings.
A Recipe for Effective Change Management
Kim Ehrman shares the essential ingredients of change management, along with some of the personalizations and updates we’ve scribbled in the margins of change strategies and plans over the years, to help you in driving out effective change where it matters most.
How to Fix Program Status Reports
Michael Daehne shares four things to include in a status report, focusing on what will actually predict project success. These include team dynamic & collaboration, customer engagement & alignment, solution clarity, and what’s keeping people awake at night.