Talent Management Assessment

Take a thoughtful look at how you recruit, onboard, develop, and engage team members, then identify next steps in building a high-performing team


Have you been on a team where the sum is greater than its parts, where there’s electricity throughout interactions, where working hard toward the shared goal can be characterized as, well, fun? We truly hope so.

If you’re looking for a partner on the path to establishing a high-performing, well-connected team, we want to help.


We will help you develop strategies to inform how you hire, train, and retain employees that are high-performers and dedicated to helping your organization achieve its vision.

You will have a clear understanding of how to attract people with desired skills, offer regular support and development opportunities so they can contribute more effectively and remain engaged, and ensure employees experience high job satisfaction.


We’ll work with you to look at each aspect of talent management and understand how to lean into strengths and shore up areas with opportunity. Some of the areas we’ll focus on include:

  • Design and planning: What skill sets are needed to achieve your business objectives? What behaviors contribute to success in your organization? What values or purpose does your organization work toward?

  • Recruiting: How can you attract people with these values, behaviors, and skillsets? What topics do you want to make sure to discuss, or skills do you want to see demonstrated?

  • Onboarding: How can you provide best-fit candidates with structured steps to understand, connect with, and become comfortable with the organization and their specific team?

  • Development and support: How can you provide a variety of learning and application opportunities, with empowering support? How will you know team members are engaged? productively challenged? on a career trajectory that they’re happy with?

  • Performance management: How will you help team members understand how they’re contributing to the team’s success and where they have development needs? What will you do when people don’t meet expectations?

  • Engagement: Ultimately, do team members feel engaged with the organization, team, and work? This draws on progress in other areas, including providing purpose, support, connection, and learning opportunities for team members.

  • Total compensation: Do your compensation and benefits contribute to your business objectives, desired behaviors, and purpose? Or are you incidentally sending mixed messages here?

  • Succession planning: Does each key leader have a succession plan that considers their trajectory and others’ interests in advancement and skillsets? If/where you have gaps, how do you shore up both the leader’s approach to coaching and sponsorship, and provide the support for people to grow?

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