IT Modernization Planning

Develop a custom plan to modernize your technology platforms and streamline processes, all while leaning into strengths and mitigating risks


Is your organization struggling with legacy technologies and inefficient processes? Are you losing customers (and employees) to competitors because of your cumbersome tools and processes? Are you interested in modern digital capabilities and the cloud but unsure where to start? FlexPoint can help. 

Typical client goals include streamlining existing capabilities, increasing efficiencies, and gaining market share by scaling faster than competitors.


After carefully understanding your needs, FlexPoint will provide actionable steps to modernize your IT infrastructure. With a highly customized plan based on your situation, you can confidently move forward and achieve your desired future state.


We follow a phased approach to modernization planning, making sure to begin with a clear understanding of where you are today and what success can look like going forward.

At a high level, we will:

  • Understand current state pain points and strengths

  • Envision a more modern, streamlined future, including prioritized requirements for a new technology solution if that’s a key success element

  • Conduct option analysis, potentially around technology solution(s), processes, role alignment

  • Create a modernization roadmap and work plan

In envisioning a compelling future, we bring our wealth of experience in how modern technologies can enable success, but we’ll start by asking what business- and customer-centric goals you want to achieve. After we have a good sense for the functional drivers for change, we’ll work with you to sketch out the art of the possible and what’s a realistic path for your team.

We typically recommend a phased approach to making improvements, both in acknowledgement that your team likely has several competing priorities and because we’ve seen that goals tend to shift as teams see how technology can enable their success. A phased framing we like is: standardize, modernize, optimize.

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