Our Expertise

Business transformation draws on wide-ranging areas of expertise, both around concepts like cloud modernization & proven business strategies and on techniques like methodologies & best practices. FlexPoint has expertise across both of these spectrums, and we’ve worked with clients to apply best practices to their specific needs.

Demonstrated Capabilities

Our team has been there and done that helping countless organizations navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by nearly infinite computing power, customer expectations, and connected communities. We can help you, too.

Ask about our experience with:

  • Considering proven strategies like harnessing network effects, adding subscription offerings, vertically integrating, and more for their suitability for your business

    Conducting industry analysis and competitive benchmarking

  • Working with you to envision how digital tools can unlock new opportunities

    Understanding your customers’ experience and priorities

    Testing the art of the possible with your subject matter experts to see what meets the most important needs

    Embedding operational excellence in support of the new vision by aligning strategy, organizational structure, processes, and systems

  • Leveraging machine learning and generative AI for practical impact

    Defining generative AI use cases and business strategy

  • Understanding opportunities to transition legacy technologies to modern offerings

    Taking a practical approach to modernization, starting with key stakeholders’ current pain points and future needs

    Navigating the various “as-a-service” options with pointed questions to maximize your success with a reasonable investment

  • Stitching together disparate data sources

    Identifying actionable insights through reports, dashboards, and data analysis

    Prioritizing master data management early for maximum effect

Proven Techniques

We have deep expertise in the techniques that enable business transformation, and we are constantly evolving and expanding our expertise based on changing industry dynamics and technology trends.

We frequently leverage our expertise and experience to:

  • Visioning & Strategy Definition

    Strategic Planning

    Discovery & Requirements Definition

  • Talent Management

    Organizational Change Management

  • Process Improvement & Automation

    Program Management

    Project Management

    Agile Frameworks & Methods

Hear from our clients and colleagues

In the podcast Inflect, the FlexPoint Consulting team talks with clients and colleagues about navigating the critical inflection points of business and life.

Hosted by Founder and CEO, Michael Daehne, these conversations reflect decades of experience with business transformation, curiosity in seeking out perspectives, and a sense of humility and good cheer through it all.


Find all the episodes on our podcast page.


Find Inflect on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, & Google.

Understand our client experience

Aspirational yet achievable digital transformation roadmaps that guided years’ worth of progress. Core platform vendor selection and program management through successful implementation. Trusted, impartial advice to level up a new executive’s leadership.

All of these are outcomes of FlexPoint clients.